Sunday 1 February 2009

What does the future hold?

"We have around 150,000 undergraduate and more than 30,000 postgraduate students. 10,000 of our students have disabilities." "More than 25,000 OU students live outside the UK." (The Open University, 2009,online)

It was the top rated university in 2006 according to National Student Survey
"The OU uses a variety of methods for distance learning, including written and audio materials, the Internet, disc-based software and television programmes on DVD." and "A number of short courses worth ten points are now available that do not have an assigned tutor but offer an online conferencing service (Internet Forum) where help and advice is offered through conferencing Moderators." (ANON,2009,online)
Will there be a need for a physical presence in the classroom? "Scientists have developed technology to teleport holographs of teachers into the classroom." (BBC News, 1999 Online)
With the increasing violence in the classroom
"Pupils in state schools and colleges are becoming more unruly with one in 10 teachers saying they have been attacked and injured by violent pupils," warned the The Association of Teachers and Lecturers (The Guardian 2008 online)
We already have places like The Canadian Virtual University and Syrian Virtual University
Is this the future?

ANON,(2009) Open University-Wikipedia [Online].Available:

BBC News (1999) BBC News Education-'Virtual' Teachers could enter classroom 29 Dec 1999. [Online]. Available:

The Guardian (2008) The Guardian-Violence on the increase,teachers warn 17 March 2008 [Online].Available:

The Open University (2009) The Open University-About the OU [Online].Available:


"noun 1 (resources) a stock or supply of materials or assets that can be drawn on in order to function effectively. 2 (resources) a country’s collective means of supporting itself or becoming wealthier, as represented by its minerals, land, and other assets. 3 (resources) personal attributes and capabilities that sustain one in adverse circumstances. 4 an action or thing resorted to." (Compact Oxford English Dictionary,2009,online)
It is only natural with the continuing expansion in technology that there is a move away from traditional materials such as blackboard, pen and paper.
As Lisa Neal from elearn Magazine in the article, Predictions for 2006 states "we have seen the world of online learning change in many significant ways. Who in, 2002, envisioned the popularity of podcasts, wikis, and blogs?" (2005 online)
Today, in society, a high percentage of students aged 14-19 have grown up with ICT in the classroom, so rather than continue with old fashioned resources the teacher is having to adapt with the times. As long as we plan our teaching to include three senses-visual, auditory and kinaesthetic then we can cover all students preferred learning styles. With so much emphasis on integrating new technology and procedures we can not forget two important resources, the teacher and the student. "A teacher is now a facilitator: a person who assists students to learn for themselves." (Reece & Walker,2007,p.3)We need to find the correct balance between teacher, student and ICT to create a successful place for learning.

Neal,L (2005) Predictions for 2006 elearn Magazine. [Online]. Available:

Oxford English Dictionary 2009 [Online]. Available:

Reece,I & Walker,S. (2007) Teaching, Training & Learning: A Practical Guide. 6th Ed. Tyne & Wear: Business Education Publishers Limited